sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011


Na noite de ontem, retornando do Mo Gun do Méier, me dirigia ao bairro da Freguesia para lanchar com a Jade Camacho. No meio do caminho recebi uma ligação de Carlos Antunes avisando que ele, Si Hing Mauro e Thiago Silva estavam indo lanchar no mesmo bairro, no local de sempre: "Cachorro-quente da tia."

Last night, going back home after a day in MYVT Meier´s Mo Gun, I was driving from North to West Zone of Rio, with Jade Camacho(12G VT) when I got a call from Carlos Antunes(12G VT) inviting me to have some meal with him and too more kung fu brothers: My Si Hing Mauro Lima(12G VT) and Thiago Silva(12G VT)

Na verdade achei bem interessante porque eram dois grupos da mesma Família Kung Fu vindos de Mo Gun(s)
Neste tipo de encontro, sempre conversamos sobre questões pertinentes ao
"Mo Lam"(武林). Mas obviamente não ficamos só nesse campo, os assuntos são variados...

I tought that was very cool to find everyone in our favorite hot-dog place. 'cause were two groups coming from different Mo Gun from the same Family.
During those moments,  we always talk about subjects linked with the "Mo Lam"(武林). But of course, we talk about other things like...

Aqui por exemplo, tento convencer a todos a me acompanharem ao show do "Tears for Fears" em Outubro aqui no Rio. Como ninguém se animou muito, resolvi apelar,rs, o que gerou uma "trollagem" com Carlos Antunes e Thiago Silva hoje pela manhã no facebook:

When I was trying to invite the brothers to watch "TEARS FOR FEARS" concert next month here in Rio with me. But they did not look so interested!!hehe So I decide to act like a "troll" in facebook with them!

* "Luciana and Vanessa we´re gonna have a concert by Tears for Fears in Barra Neighborhood in October. I Was thinking if you two dont wanna go with Carlos Cianci(Antunes 12G VT) and Thiago Silva (12G VT)?They were very excited!"

Vanessa(Thiago´s wife) answered: "Look, if he wants to go, I´ll go too!"

No fim das contas , tudo que nos resta são sempre as boas lembranças de bons momentos! E com essas pessoas , eu tenho essa boa sorte.

In the end, what we have, is a lot of good memories! And with those brothers, I have this good luck!

Thiago Pereira,12G VT